Federal Permit System (FPS) GEOJSON APICOMMAND Please setup an account before proceeding. SUCCESS Use "View Source" to see how this is coded.
Python ExampleSalesforce Apex Developer Guide PagesNotesThe 2 forms on top of this page are live. Fill in either form and then click "Calc". Underneath will be displayed the string that was sent to the server and the status code and results that were received from the server. "Success" will be set to "true" if the conversion was successful or "false" if it was not. If "success==false" an additional field called "errormessage" will be set as follows: { "success" : false, "errormessage" : "inputdls(): Range '233' is invalid" }An account and a purchase are required. If purchase for evaluation is difficult, we can setup an evaluation account for you. You can send the user name and password right in the url string Encrypted https://legallandconverter.com/cgi-bin/shopats201703.cgi?quarter=§ion=2&township=2&range=2&meridian=W4&cmd=forward&output=geojson&user=DEVELOPX&pass=TEST1234 Unencrypted http://legallandconverter.com/cgi-bin/shopats201703.cgi?quarter=§ion=2&township=2&range=2&meridian=W4&cmd=forward&output=geojson&user=DEVELOPX&pass=TEST1234 |