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CSV Search


US PLSS Batch Converter

This batch converter will convert batches of
  • PLSS Legal Land Descriptions in a CSV file to Latitude and Longitude.

How To Use

  1. Click "Browse" to select a CSV input file from your hard disk.

  2. Click "Check" to check your input file for errors and determine the number of conversion credits required. No purchase is require to check your input file for syntax errors.

  3. When your data is clean and ready for conversion click Becoming a Subscriber and follow the instructions.

  4. Click "Convert" to convert you data. The conversion output will appear on your screen.

  5. Use your browser's "Save File As .. " function to save the conversion output back to your hard disk.



Aliquot A portion of a larger whole
Baseline Runs east and west.
The starting line for townships.
Meridian Runs north and south
The starting line for ranges.
BLM The Bureau of Land Management

Sample Input Data


    (S2 T35N R21W Minnesota Chisago County)

 Sample CSV Input File

 Sample CSV Output File

CSV File Layout

Input Fields
1 ID A database key used to export and re-import the converted data.
Or a line number for tracking and audit purposes.
Or left blank.
2 Q3 Aliquot 3: Smallest
3 Q2 Aliquot 2: Medium
4 Q1 Aliquot 1: Largest
N,S,E,W,NW,NE,SW,SE or a BLM lot number.
BLM Lot Numbers have been uppercased and have had all spaces and punctuation removed.
5 Section A number from normally from 1 to 36.
However, (in rare instances) there are sections numbered from 1 to 999 and from 1U to 18U.
6 SectionFraction Section Fractions are sometimes used in
OR and WA.
7 Township Townships run North and South of the Baseline.
Townships number from from 0 to 168.
8 TownshipFraction Township Fractions are sometimes used in
AR, AZ, CA, CO,ID, MT, NM, NV, OR, UT, WA and WY
9 NorthSouth 'N' == North
'S' == South
10 Range Ranges run east and west of the Meridian.
Ranges number from 0 to 420, although not all numbers are used.
11 RangeFraction Range Fractions are sometimes used in
AZ, CA, CO, ID,MT, NM, NV, OR, UT, WA and WY
12 EastWest 'E' == East
'W' == West
13 State A 2 letter State Code
A State Code is always required.
PLSS State Code List
14 Meridian A 2 digit Meridian Code
Either a Meridian Code or a County Code is required. Do not use both.
PLSS Meridian Code List
15 County A 5 digit County Code
Either a Meridian Code or a County Code is required. Do not use both.
PLSS County Code List
Additional Output Fields

The input fields are returned in the conversion output along with these additional fields which contain the latitude and longitude of the center and the four corners of your land parcel.

16 CenterLatitude Center Latitude
17 CenterLongitude Center Longitude
18 NWLatitude North West Corner Latitude
19 NWLongitude North West Corner Longitude
20 NELatitude North East Corner Latitude
21 NELongitude North East Corner Longitude
18 SWLatitude South West Corner Latitude
19 SWLongitude South West Corner Longitude
20 SELatitude South East Corner Latitude
21 SELongitude South East Corner Longitude


If you use a header line with field names, make the first field name ID and the converter will handle the header line correctly.

If you are using Excel on an Apple Computer, save your CSV file in 'Windows' format.

Please run a small batch first to ensure proper operation before converting a large batch.

Check vs. Convert

Check runs a syntax check on your data.

You may do unlimited syntax checking without purchasing credits.

Each input line will be echoed in the output with either an "OK" or an error message at the end.

The second last line will have either of these lines:

   Data is,OK
   Data has,ERRORS

It is highly recommended that you convert only error free batches so you do not need to write code (or manually) weed out the bad conversions in your output file.

The last line will print the number of conversion credits you require.


Convert will convert the data and use up credits.

One Credit is used for each line converted.

Only converted lines are billed.

Save Your File

After converting make sure you save your file.

Select File Save As . . from your browser to save your results to your computer's hard drive.

It is highly recommended you try a small batch first.

If you require assistance:

Please phone

or email us at


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Canada Dominion Land Survey (DLS & ATS) Converter

Canadian Batch Converter
Canadian Batch Converter Help

US Public Land Survey System (PLSS) Converter
PLSS Batch Converter

Military Grid Reference System (MGRS)

National Topographic System (NTS)

Federal Permit System (FPS)

Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)
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Legal Land Converter
Edmonton, Alberta
Phone: 780.455.7226
Copyright © 2025