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Military Grid Reference System

MGRS / USNG to Latitude and Longitude

Grid Reference

  12U UA 84323 40791
  12U UA 84 40

Latitude and Longitude to MGRS / USNG

GPS Location
Latitude Longitude

Latitude 50.00820   Longitude -112.61440

Latitude   Longitude
Degree Minute Second N/S   Degree Minute Second E/W

Latitude 50° 00' 29.52" N   Longitude 112° 36' 51.84" W

United States National Grid (USNG) - Grid Zone Designations (GZD)

United States National Grid (USNG) - Grid Zone Designations (GZD)

USNG Map with 6 x 8 Degree Grid Zone Designators

Click for larger United States National Grid (USNG) Index Map with 6 x 8 Degree Grid Zone Designators

United States National Grid Index Map in PDF

United States National Grid Page at Federal Geographic Committee

Click for a larger 4200 x 2200 World Map with MGRS Grid
World Map with MGRS Grid

(*) Get GPS Location Button

When supported, clicking this button automatically fills in your current Latitude and Longitude within a few seconds.

When not supported, clicking the button does nothing.

The best accuracy (within about 10 meters) is obtained on devices with a built in GPS chip such as smart phones which can directly receive satellite GPS signals.

On computers without a GPS chip, Latitude and Longitude are guesstimated by Google based on your IP address and the known locations of the nearest WIFI access points and their addresses.

Check that the 'Get GPS' button works before you leave home.

If "get location" or "allow this webpage to access your location" are turned off in your smart phone's web browser, it can be difficult to turn back on.

You would probably like a desktop computer handy to lookup the instructions while you probe around in the browser setting on your phone.



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Canada Dominion Land Survey (DLS & ATS) Converter

Canadian Batch Converter
Canadian Batch Converter Help

US Public Land Survey System (PLSS) Converter
PLSS Batch Converter

Military Grid Reference System (MGRS)

National Topographic System (NTS)

Federal Permit System (FPS)

Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)
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Legal Land Converter
Edmonton, Alberta
Phone: 780.455.7226
Copyright © 2024