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This program will convert many Canadian legal land descriptions at once.

It converts in both directions:

  • From Legal Land Description to Latitude and Longitude
  • From Latitude and Longitude to Legal Land Description
Data from a CSV file is uploaded from your computer into the program.

The program does conversions and then produces CSV (excel), KML (google earth pro) and GPX (garmin) output files.

Then you download the output files to your computer.


How to Use

  1. Setup an account.
    No purchase is required to setup an account.
    An account is required so the program has a place to store your results.

  2. Go to the Converter Page

  3. Click "Browse" to select a CSV file from your hard disk.

  4. Click "Check" to check your CSV file for errors.
    No purchase is required to check your data for syntax errors.
    Only error free batches can be converted.
    When your batch is error free, the converter will print the number of conversion credits required.

  5. Purchase the conversion credits required.

  6. Go back to the Converter Page

  7. Click "Browse" to reselect the CSV file from your hard disk.
    This time click "Convert"
    This will recheck your data, run the conversion and write an output file.
    Your converted output file will appear in the file list
    It will be highlighted in yellow.
    It will be a filename with "out-" added to the beginning.

  8. Right Click on the link to the output file.
    A menu will come up.
    Select "Save As..."
    A "File Dialog" will come up.
    Use the "File Dialog" to store the converted file onto a your hard disk.

  9. Delete your files.

Input File Layout
Legal Land Description to Latitude and Longitude

1 ID The ID is used to identify the line being converted.

This can be a database key used to export and re-import the converted data.

Or it is a line number for tracking and verification purposes.

2 Quarter / LSD Halves, Quarters and Legal Subdivisions (LSD) are used to subdivide a section.

Leave this field empty for the entire section.

Halves are labeled N, S, E & W.

Quarters are labeled NW, NE, SW & SE.

Legal Subdivisions are numbered 1 to 16.

3 Section Sections are numbered 1 to 36.

In rare cases: 6A, 7A, 18A, 19A, 30A, 31A, 36A are used.

Sections are 1 mile square.

4 Township Township numbers start at 1 at the US/Canada border and increase northward until 127 at the NWT/Provincial border.

Townships are numbered 1 to 127.

In rare cases: 19A, 27A, 42A, 43A, 45A, 46A, 47A, 48A are used.

Township lines occur every 6 miles.

5 Range Range numbers start at 1 at a meridian and increase westward to 34 until they hit the next meridian.

Ranges numbers for merdians E1 and E2 increase eastwards.

There are fewer ranges in each meridian as you go northwards, due to the curvature of the earth.

Ranges are numbered 1 to 34.

In rare cases: 13A, 21A, 24A, 26A, 29A are used.

Range lines occur every 6 miles.

6 Meridian Meridians run every 4 degrees of Longitude starting with Meridian W2 at 102 degrees West Longitude.

Meridians W1, E1 and COAST are exceptions that start at arbitrary Longitudes.

Either codes or numbers can be used to specify the Meridian.


Input File Layout
Latitude and Longitude to Legal Land Description

1 ID The ID is used to identify the line being converted.

This can be a database key used to export and re-import the converted data.

Or it is a line number for tracking and verification purposes.

2 Latitude Latitude in decimal format
ie: 49.104474
3 Longitude Longitude in decimal format
ie: -112.037271

Output File Layout
Common to both Conversions

2 Quarter / LSD Quarter / LSD
3 Section Section
4 Township Township
5 Range Range
6 Meridian Meridian
7 PIN Parcel Identification Number
8 CenterLatitude Center Latitude
9 CenterLongitude Center Longitude
10 SELatitude South East Corner Latitude
11 SELongitude South East Corner Longitude
12 NELatitude North East Corner Latitude
13 NELongitude North East Corner Longitude
14 NWLatitude North West Corner Latitude
15 NWLongitude North West Corner Longitude
16 SWLatitude South West Corner Latitude
17 SWLongitude South West Corner Longitude

Examples of Input and Output Files

Legal Land Description to Latitude and Longitude



      Download Input  Example File
      Download Output Example File

Latitude and Longitude to Legal Land Description



      Download Input  Example File
      Download Output Example File


  1. Header Line

    If you wish to use a header line in your input file, make the first field name "ID" and the converter will ignore the header line correctly.
  2. The Line Identification (ID) Field

    The first column of the CSV file is the ID field. It is an arbitrary label that you assign.

    The converter reads in the value of ID field from the input and writes it to the output unchanged.

    The ID can be the reference number used by your organization, a record key used by your database, or a line number (ie: 1,2,3,4).

    If in doubt, it is best to assign each line a line number. It makes finding and fixing errors a lot easier.

  3. Excel on Apple

    If you are using Excel on an Apple Computer, save your CSV input file in 'Windows' format.

    Otherwise the converter will treat the file as one very long line and complain about too many fields.

  4. Test Run

    Please run a small batch first to ensure proper operation and become familiar with the workflow before converting a large batch.

If you require assistance:

Please phone

or email us at


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Canada Dominion Land Survey (DLS & ATS) Converter

Canadian Batch Converter
Canadian Batch Converter Help

US Public Land Survey System (PLSS) Converter
PLSS Batch Converter

Military Grid Reference System (MGRS)

National Topographic System (NTS)

Federal Permit System (FPS)

Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)
Contact Us

Legal Land Converter
Edmonton, Alberta
Phone: 780.455.7226
Copyright © 2025