County Maps for Western Canada and USA
Select County Map to Draw
County Maps Contain
- Water
- Trees and Brush
- Roads and Highways
- DLS / PLSS Section Grids and Labels
- Township Boundaries and Labels
- County Boundaries
- Maps do not contain land owner names.
Example Map
Drawing a County Map
- Maps are US $5.00 (50 credits) each.
An account and purchase is required.
- Select Country, Province/State and then County. A small image of your county will appear.
- Click Draw.
- A PDF will eventually appear in your browser.
- Maps take from 5 seconds to 3 minutes to draw. This is normal.
- Save the PDF to your local hard drive.
- Open the PDF with Adobe.
- Maps are clearer in Adobe.
Printing with Adobe
Adobe has a feature to split the map across multiple sheets of paper.
Adobe calls this feature "Tiling" "Poster" or "Banner" depending on the version.
Adobe Reader 9 or earlier does not have this feature.
You can adjust the size of the original to best fit the paper and specify how much each "tile" overlaps.
You can then fit the individual pages together a full map.
- Choose File -> Print.
- From the Page Scaling pop-up menu, select one of the following options:
- Poster
- Tile Large Pages Tile only the pages that are larger than the paper.
- Tile All Pages Tile all the pages in the PDF file
Different Versions of Adobe call the tiling option different things.
You will know you have the right one when the print preview shows the map chopped into individual pages.
- Set the following options as needed:
- Print