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Find land in Western Canada (British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan & Manitoba) subdivided by the Dominion Land Survey (DLS) and the Alberta Township System (ATS).

Legal Land Description to Latitude and Longitude,

Quarter/LSD Section Township Range Meridian

SW 24-12-20-W4
Southwest Quarter of Section 24,
Township 12, Range 20, West of the 4th Meridian.

Latitude and Longitude to Land Legal Description

GPS Location
Latitude Longitude

Latitude 50.00820   Longitude 112.61440

Latitude   Longitude
Degree Minute Second N/S   Degree Minute Second E/W

50° 00' 29" N   112° 36' 51" W
50° 00.49' N   112° 36.86' W

Area Covered by the Dominion Land Survey

Click for pdf Map of Area Covered by the Dominion Land Survey

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Canada Dominion Land Survey (DLS & ATS) Converter

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Legal Land Converter
Edmonton, Alberta
Phone: 780.455.7226
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